Moderator: Fxp
Silent Hill: Shattered Memoriessincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Silent Hill (orignal remake)dīvaini, ka šī ziņa nāk no tevis, nevis no mūsu SH monstra
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Re: Silent Hill (orignal remake)Gribeetu remake uz Xbox360. BET, mosh labaak speeleet veco labo. Paspeeleeju MGS:Twin Snakes remake, tas bija tik chiiiiziii, viss taads paarspiileeti dramatisks un sinemaatisks , ka aatri izbesiija, toties vecais uz ps1 ir vnk tiirs zelts .
P.s. BOOBS (not bacon) is always the answer! |
Re: Silent Hill (orignal remake)Nez,man tas MG:TS rimeiks patikaas.
Re: Silent Hill (orignal remake)Šis izgājiens ir sitiens zem jostasvietas - Wii pamazām atņem PlayStation Horror žanru - ir tur jauna Fatal Frame daļa, ir vesels birums Resident Evil, ir tur MadWorld... Bet tagad - pirmo, neizskarami lielisko SH atgremos.
Bet jāsaka - priekšraksts liecina par gardu atgremojumu. Nedomāju, ka SH fani tik ļoti samierināsies ar anālsaldo Wii un nepieprasīs izlais spēli uz Horror kinga - Sony konsolēm un citur - aizvilkt prom no tā zīdaiņu murga: retro konsoles ar jauniem periperāļiem. Sevišķi paķer vārdi - "One of Shattered Memories’ most significant and intriguing additions—your answers actually affect how the game unfolds. And it doesn’t end there. the game “watches” you constantly, and your behavior throughout can determine when you’ll meet certain characters, which scenes you’ll witness, and a variety of other factors.” “In Silent Hill games, the town always gets inside the protagonist’s head,” say Hulett. “But now, it’s getting inside YOUR head." Spēlētāja galvā šī pilsēta pati par sevi radīja pietiekami daudz gardu WTF, bet, ja SH pievieno aprakstītos elementus - vajadzētu būt labam gala produktam, jo būtu jābūt lielam ģenijam, lai izdrāztu dimantcieto Silent Hill spēli un pataisīto to par jēlu diarejas galaproduktu. Bet no otras puses - tas ir tieši tas, ko Wii dara. Bet nu - redzēsim! Pieņemu, ka no sākuma būs uz tā Wii, bet pēc tam varētu būt uz PSP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: Silent Hill (orignal remake)Bļe, Konami tomēr ciena fanus, nevis jeņķus-spēles izstrādātājkomandu:
"While Nintendo Power managed the official announcement of the Wii remake of the original Silent Hill as Shattered Memories, Konami handles announcing it for PlayStation 2 and PSP. As mentioned in McWhertor's post on the Wii version, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a retelling of the original Silent Hill game, with the objectives shuffled about and the dialogue changed to keep gamers on their toes. Harry Mason is still looking for his missing daughter, but how he goes about finding her has definitely changed. Especially in the Wii version, where the Wii remote will be used as a flashlight, a cell phone with GPS mapping capabilities (turn left to evil), and to pick up an manipulate objects to assist in puzzle solving. Also new to the series is a psyche profile element, which will monitor the player's behavior - where they explore, the dialogue they choose - and modify visual elements and Harry's reactions as the game goes on. Depending on how it is implemented, it could me no two players have exactly the same experience, and if they do, they should totally get married. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories will be release this fall for the Wii, PlayStation 2, and PSP." ... s2-and-psp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: Silent Hill (orignal remake) ... t-a-remake
MMM, izskatās, ka Silent Hill: Shattered Memories koncepts spēs Wii vadībai parādīt pareizo pielietojumu! Intreresants koncepts gan - redzēsim, kā tas sevi manifestēs dzīvē un iekš PlayStation konsolēm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: Silent Hill: Shattered Memoriessincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Silent Hill: Shattered MemoriesGame-play video
viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1241#p11036 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: Silent Hill: Shattered MemoriesPlayStation 2 versijas apskats: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2051
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